5 fingers
God has changed me for the better. He has made me merciful and loving. He has opened my eyes. |
Thumb up (to show others) = positive = God loves us firmly. He is our father. We are all equal and loved by Him without exception. |
Index finger We point to others e.g. who is the guilty one, but we all became guilty where we were loveless. No one is righteous before God by himself alone. |
Middle Finger But the biggest finger = God He is love, good and just. How can this go together with us? |
Ring finger Wedding ring = covenant God has sent Jesus, son in spirit, who takes away all our guilt and makes a new covenant with God possible. God has already said YES to us! He wants to have a relationship with us as a loving father from heart to heart. He is waiting for us with open arms! (make open arms) |
Pinkie The smallest, but one not to be forgotten. Finally ... What do you decide? Will you accept this offer from Jesus and follow HIM? Do you open yourself in your heart to Jesus, or do you reject Him? What is your decision? |