You can build 100% on God's promises
- What you sow, you shall reap.
- If you share with the poor, God will reward you.
- If you confess your guilt and forgive others, the Creator will forgive you.
- If you recognize God's love, you will also love him.
- If you trust God, you will be blessed.
- If you love God the Father, you will also love Jesus.
- If you love Jesus, you will follow his instructions.
- If you convert to God and are baptized into Jesus, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Whoever asks for the Holy Spirit will receive it.
- Through the Holy Spirit, God's love is poured out in you, and this living water becomes a spring within you and flows out of you in streams.
- If you love God the Father and Jesus the Lord, you will also love your brothers and sisters.
- If you look at the Lord Jesus and talk and live with Him, you will become like Him.
- If you are trustful/loyal to God, you will do things like Jesus and greater things.
- If you live frugally, you have great gain with God.
- If you let God work for the building of His kingdom, He takes care of your bodily needs.
- If you live with the Creator, you will also experience discrimination or persecution.
- If you live with God and call for help, He will help you in due time (according to His loving almighty omniscient view).
- God always gives you a timely way out of temptation.
- If you have God's love in you, it flows constantly in word and deed.
- If you love your brothers and sisters (with heart and deed), then you remain in Christ.
- If you remain in Christ (love him and his brothers and sisters), then you will be allowed to be with God in heaven for eternity.